Collaborative Knowledge: Shuttleworth Foundation Book Sprint
The Shuttleworth Foundation participated in a Book Sprint reflecting on ten years of giving.
“Our thinking about how change happens has been influenced by the journeys Fellows take, and partnering with them for many years,” said Helen Turvey, CEO of The Shuttleworth Foundation.
“We are excited, to pause and extract the learnings and discoveries we have made along the way.”
The Shuttleworth Foundation is a small social investor that provides funding to dynamic leaders who are at the forefront of social change, looking for social innovators who are helping to change the world for the better and could benefit from a social investment model with a difference and this was their first Book Sprint.
Participants in the Sprint were a mix of foundation staff, and a cross-section of fellows. Included in this group was Adam Hyde, Founder of Book Sprints, Co-Founder and Technology Lead at Collaborative Knowledge Foundation, as well as his creation: the open source, browser based books workflow production system called Editoria. Book Sprints now uses Editoria to enable and support collaborative authoring and editing required to produce books within this ultra rapid timeframe. Adam wrote about the sprint on his blog.
Ridge Farm, photo found on
Book Sprints’ CEO Barbara Rühling, who is an active member of the Editoria Community, facilitated the Sprint, which took place in March at Ridge Farm near Dorking, UK. Ridge Farm has a history as a studio where artists such as Queen, Pearl Jam, and Oasis recorded. The creative collaborative energy made this Book Sprint a fun and productive one!
See the photos from this Sprint on flickr here.