Quality Infrastructure Investment Partnership Operations Manual
After four days we completed the Book Sprint for the Quality Infrastructure Investment Partnership Operations Manual, and had some delicious ice cream to celebrate!

The team after completing the manual
Phil Karp, Lead Knowledge Management Officer at the World Bank who organized both the first and the second Book Sprint with TDLC in Tokyo, gave us some feedback at the end:
The Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) invited us to facilitate a first Book Sprint a year ago to create the TDLC operations manual.
Whereas last year’s Book Sprint drew on ten years of experience of the TDLC staff and partners, this new manual defines an entirely new program. The resulting document Quality Infrastructure Investment Partnership. Operations Manual maps each step in the process to lay the groundwork for the next four years of the program. The manual takes the needs of all partners involved into account It was drafted by eight experts from Tokyo, Washington D.C. and Paris.
See more photos here.