F5’s APM Operations Guide is done!
After five days of intense thinking, testing, writing, re-thinking, and editing at the F5 office in Seattle, the F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) Operations Guide is now complete. It includes more than 200 pages and more than 20 original illustrations that cover dozens of use cases, the most important troubleshooting recommendations, and other topics including security, management and interoperability. The book will be published by the end of the month, and will be continuously updated for future features.
In the meantime, F5 is now organizing the next two Book Sprints scheduled for 2015.
The Book Sprint was faciliated by Laia Ros in the lead and assisted by Barbara Rühling, with support of the remote team including graphic designer Henrik van Leeuwen, book producer Julien Taquet, platform developer Juan Gutierrez, and text clean up by Raewyn Whyte.
Please find more photos from this Book Sprint here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/129798087@N03/sets/72157649466825204/