PARCO Experience documented by CARE Mozambique
Following the Book Sprint with MAVA Foundation – our first onsite since the COVID-19 outbreak – we were pleased to travel to Mozambique to facilitate a Book Sprint for the international NGO, CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere). This is the third Book Sprint we have facilitated for CARE, following one virtual for their team in Vietnam and another for CARE International. We are honoured to facilitate these Sprints, helping disseminate valuable information about CARE’s various projects tackling climate change and the effects on vulnerable people.

Celebrating the conclusion of the Book Sprint – ahead of schedule!
This Book Sprint brought together members of the CARE office in Maputo with their partner organisations based in the Northern province of Nampula: the partners constitute the PARCO project: Parceria e Aliança das Organizações da Sociedade Civil pela Resiliência Climática das Comunidades (Partnership and Alliance of the Organisations of the Civil Society for the Climate Resilience in Communities). Together they set out to reflect on the program, its successes and failures and their associated learnings over the last five years, advocating on the themes of climate change, right to land, agriculture, and livelihood for local communities in this part of Mozambique.

Participants co-create the objectives of the book
This Book Sprint was run totally in Portuguese with partial translation. Our English-speaking facilitator Faith Bosworth worked together with our Portuguese-speaking Project and Production Manager Juliana Secchi to co-facilitate the Sprint.
“What really impressed me were the methodologies implemented in order to extract from each one of us what was needed in order to fulfil the objectives and purpose of the book. At the end we have a book that came out entirely of the knowledge of this group while documenting the PARCO’s program implementation process.” João Albano Zeca
On the last day of the Sprint while one group completed the final review of the document, two smaller groups brainstormed on the production and dissemination plans to ensure the book reaches its intended audience. We wish the team all the best with the next steps and look forward to hearing how the book is received.