Workflow Sprint with CARE International

At Book Sprints, we use our Sprint Lab to experiment and innovate the Sprint method to meet our partners’ needs. Whether it’s because partners need to do it virtually, over a different timeframe, or with a different output in mind, we’ve found that the Book Sprint method is easily applicable and successful in most collaborative knowledge production projects. One such example is the Workflow Sprint. In the first week of April 2024, we joined a team of individuals from CARE International for a Workflow Sprint in preparation for their full Book Sprint this coming August. 

The goal of this Workflow Sprint was for the participants to develop a deeper understanding of how they have been collaborating on projects together and what outcome they wanted out of the August Book Sprint. For the first goal, our facilitators utilized a virtual platform called Mural to help participants map out their workflow from start to finish – identifying the different tasks, individuals involved, and any possible inefficiencies in the process so far. This visual overview of the entire process allowed them to identify potential areas for efficiency improvement and focus on creating solutions for that. Part of this high-level reflection session was also understanding how overall goals from the headquarter offices might cascade into goals specific to country offices. All this insight was driven by the recognition that they would be entering a design phase for new programming soon, and this look-back on how the programs and projects have been thus far would allow them to further refine the design of the new programming. 

We’re delighted to have adapted the Book Sprint methodology once again to a Workflow Sprint for CARE International, and look forward to running another Book Sprint with them in August! 


Keep an eye out for more Sprint updates in the future! Never miss an update with us by following us at the links below. 

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