No valley of despair in Freiburg
This week’s Book Sprint with ten colleagues of Haufe Group is located in Freiburg in the beautiful Black Forest region of southern Germany. The river Rhine causes the mild climate in this wine-growing region. Not quite the valley of despair – a concept from classical change management – that we heard a lot about on our first day. The group is writing a book on Haufe’s model for transformation in organizations. At its core stands the question WHY. It comes down to letting people find their own reason for change and let them spread it.

What does the reader need to know?
It’s about people-centric design. For the third time in a row, we are facilitating a Book Sprint in Germany in the field of leadership and organizational transformation. That may sound quite different from writing software handbooks, one of Book Sprints main applications. However, we are amazed how much we hear about culture codes, system hacking and shadow IT from this group of psychologists, communication specialists, and coaches. Off we go – three days of booksprinting ahead.

Still work to be done
See more photos here.