Second Book Sprint at the TDLC World Bank in Tokyo
This week, the Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) invited us to facilitate their second Book Sprint. A year ago we facilitated a Book Sprint for the TDLC operations manual, and now a new partnership program with the Government of Japan starting next month requires another operations manual.

The TDLC training room has fancy spy glass windows
Whereas last year’s Book Sprint drew on ten years of experience of the TDLC staff and partners, this manual defines an entirely new program. The resulting document may not need to be long, but each step in the process is thoroughly mapped out and carefully worded to lay the groundwork for the next four years. To design a lean and efficient process that takes the needs of all partners involved into account, and to do so quickly, the TDLC invited eight experts from Tokyo, Washington D.C. and Paris and one facilitator from Book Sprints.