Tri-lingual Lexicon

From time to time Book Sprints apply our experience working with collaborative knowledge production to projects other than sprints. There are two on the boil right now but I just want to highlight the work we are doing with the UNDP to produce a tri-lingual Lexicon of electoral terminology. The Lexicon will be in Arabic, French and English. The primary language is Arabic which is also interesting as Arabic is more of a family of languages/dialects.

We made a software for them which is called ‘Lexicon’. It is currently in production but being used while it is being built. At some point in the near future we will release it and the code as free software. For now we want to build it and test it and then make it look beautiful! For now it looks rather ugly but it does the job.

There are many translators working across the world to add and edit terms. We have built the software using nodejs to enable concurrent workflows so it is possible for many people to collaborate on the production. It is going well and feedback from the UNDP people who had previously made a Lexicon using MS Word and desktop publishing softwares is that this process is an order of magnitude more efficient.

More information coming soon…

Screenshot of the Lexicon Screenshot of the Lexicon


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